We would be delighted to assist you with any queries you may have.
Please contact Hlekani Private Game Reserve by filling in the form below and we will get back to you.
Directions from King Shaka International Airport (3 h 20 min - 293 km)
Get on N2 from M65 (4.2km) and Head northeast (23m) take a Slight Left (850m) and then Turn Left again (120m) Turn Right (230m) Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Mdloti St/M65 - Continue to follow M65 for 2.3km Keep left at the fork and merge onto N2 (700m) Merge onto N2 (278km) Take D240 Rd to your destination (11.4km) Turn left onto P234 (1.2km) Turn left onto D240 Rd (7.8km) Turn Right (2.0km) Turn Right (400m) Your Destination will be on the right.
Directions from Durban (3 h 20 min - 293 km)
Take the N2 toll highway north to Zululand. Pass Empangeni and Hluhluwe. NOTE!! Do not take the first Mkuze Turn off. The second Mkuze turn off is approximately 20km further. At the Mkuze village signboard turn left to Bongonongo P234 (Mkuze village to the right) There is also a sign that says Ghost Mountain to your right.
Drive for only 1km until you see the D240 sign. Turn left onto the D240 and drive for 1km you will reach the ZRR gates. You will need to sign in at the gates.
Drive 5km and on the right hand side you will see the Hlekani sign at the entrance gate. On the dirt road take your first left.
Follow the well-constructed road to the lodge.
These directions are for planning purposes only. You may find that construction projects, traffic, weather, or other events may cause conditions to differ from the map results, and you should plan your route accordingly. You must obey all signs or notices regarding your route.